Uras 2025 of Hazrat Khawaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A)

If you hearty desire Nazar-o-Niaz and Fateha send the amount to us / All these Deghs are cooked by Zaireen (pilgrims/devotees) who can afford to cook, through their respected Khuddams of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz. If you have a plan to cook Degh at any time of the year, please let me know in advance, so that i may make the necessary arrangements required, as Deghs are cooked all the year round. It can be cooked in your personal presence & in your absence too, on your behalf or any sort of Niyaz you want to cook other then Degh. ) HEAD OFFICE AJMER DARGAH SHARIF Dua-go All Devotees Chief Moallim Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A.) Syed Furkan Ali Chishty( Gaddi-Nashin ) I hope our sweet relation may be stronger through the blessings of Khwaja Baba and you will always remember me. Please always write to me for tawiz or any thing of this Holy Shrine required by you. Accept my hearty Dua & Salam and convey the same to your all family members.

Acc Name - Syed Furkan Ali chishty
Account No. 018501528413
IFSC Code: ICIC0000185
(Ajmer Branch)Kachary Road Branch Ajmer