Special Dua's
It is said that every Mannat gets fulfilled in Dargah, provided it is made with a pure heart and pure intention. You can request devotees at a shrine to pray for you to the lord, we do wazaif in Holy Shrine for all the devotees.
Are you facing problems in your life and family, your children don’t listen to you, suffering from anxiety and depression even after having everything in life, having income problems, lost something valuable in life, having constant marriage related problems in the house, Marriage is not working out, years have past and still, you don’t have children.
You may be rich or poor, but, the door of Ajmer Dargah is open to all. If you have a personal problem, income difficulty, any type of pain, anxieties, not able to find a way to look forward in life, evil spirit (Nazar), black magic, etc., Khawaja Garib-E-Nawaz is a world-renowned Spiritual Healer who was sent by the holy Prophet Mohammed and by the blessing of Almighty Allah Paak & Khawaja Baba, every devout individual has had their heartfelt aspirations fulfilled.
We have 40 people sitting for Darbar-E-Garib Nawaz up to 40 days, they even sit for 21 days or 11 days, They pray as per your wish and desired Mannat. Please contact the following number 9587298146 if you have any wish for Darbar-E-Garib. These prayers at Darbar-E-Garib and the received Tabiz will keep you protected from all the negative things in life like Black Magic and people envying you.
You can recite this wazifa by your family's name over here. This particular prayer is being given for the realization of heartfelt aspirations, intentions, and the removal of all troubles for the people who are reciting this aayat. All of the prayers work together to protect you from dark magic (Jadu), enemies, and to solve all of your issues so that you can fulfill all of your deepest dreams.